Saturday, April 28, 2012



This is my first post on this blog, so I figured I'd start off by writing a little about myself.
I've suffered from many health troubles over the years, starting off by being diagnosed with an incurable autoimmune disease at the age of 3.  Since then, I've been diagnosed with many other illnesses and have had many ups and downs, but I haven't let any of them bring me down.  I pursued my dream of photography last year, and am beyond happy and excited for the future of that.
Recently, I found out I'm severely lactose-intolerant.  I suffered over 2 years with horrendous gastro-intestinal (tummy) troubles without any answers.  Being an already thin person while loosing weight, it became increasingly alarming that everything I was eating would go right through me.  I saw a couple different GI specialists without answers, but finally found one that actually gave me some answers and possible tests to try.  First being, eliminating lactose and then trying to eat it again to see if that would help or not.  Welp, yes it was! I stopped lactose completely for two weeks and over the first few days, I noticed I was getting better, to the point where I had no symptoms.  I tried introducing a little back, and was in horrendous pains and had the tummy troubles for 3 days! I have stopped eating and drinking anything lactose, and am again symptom free.

My biggest worry has been, what do I eat? I love to cook, especially bake!  Slowly, but surely I'm learning what I can and can't use in recipes.  There doesn't seem to be a lot of lactose-free recipes out there, so I figured I'd share my recipes, and recipes I've found on the Internet that us lactose-freeers can enjoy!  I hope you enjoy this blog, and please feel free to comment on the recipes your substitutions, any lactose-free products you enjoy, and how you enjoyed or not enjoyed it.  :)

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