Thursday, October 4, 2012

Creamy Mashed Potatoes (Lactose Free)

Who doesn't love creamy, mashed potatoes?!  These are sooooooooo yummy and creamy.  The secret ingredient really helps make them delicious.  Home-made potatoes are so much healthier for you too, and they're actually really easy to make.

Servings: 2

1 1/4 pounds potatoes (usually 2 large is good)
3 tablespoons Earth Balance buttery spread, room temperature*
2 ounces (about 4 tablespoons) of Tofutti Better than Cream Cheese, room temperature*
2 tablespoons of Lactaid milk**
Salt, Pepper, and desired seasonings.

*Make sure the butter and cream cheese is at room temperature, this helps for creamier mashed potatoes.


Peel and wash the potatoes.

Cut potatoes into even pieces, I usually cut a few thick slices, then halve them add them to a pot.

Add water to the pot, place on stove top and bring to a boil.  Then, boil potatoes for 20-25 minutes or until you can pierce a fork through the pieces easily.  If there is some resistance, they still need to cook a bit more.

Drain potatoes very well in a strainer, make sure to shake all excess water out.
 Oooh steamy. Free facial!

Return to the hot pan, and set it aside.  Allow time for the potatoes to steam, and the extra water to evaporate.  I usually prep my dinner, and wait until the potatoes stop steaming.

Mash your potatoes using a masher (highly recommended) or a spoon/spatula.

Add your seasonings like salt and pepper, garlic, herbs, etc. Whatever you desire!
PS: Aren't my S&P shakers, adorable?! I love them. :)

Add the butter, cream cheese and milk.

Stir with a spatula until smooth. If it seems a little thick, add a little more milk, 1 tablespoon at a time.

Voila! Enjoy your delicious potatoes. :)

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