Sunday, April 29, 2012

Roasted Potatoes Recipe

What I like most about this recipe is, it's so simple and easy to make, yet uber delicious! I got sick of making boring mashed potatoes, and they aren't that great for you.  I've been trying to buy more fresh fruits and vegetables to make better side dishes and snacks.  These potatoes go great with almost any meal! Last night I had them with a homemade Chicken Salad sandwich, but I've tried them with other meats and varieties as well.  I'll post the recipe for the chicken salad as well. 

I originally found this recipe online, but I didn't have some of the ingredients it stated, so I made up my own combination of simple ingredients. 

2 tablespoons olive oil
2 medium white potatoes cut into wedges
Salt, pepper, and Italian seasoning to taste

1.    Mix olive oil and seasonings in bowl well.*
2.   Add potatoes and toss to coat well.
3. Spread onto a greased cookie sheet, making sure potatoes are flat and not overlapping.
4.  Bake for 20-25 minutes at 450°F, turning occasionally. 

20-25 minutes make for crispy potatoes, as seen in the photo.  If you'd like softer potatoes cook for only 15 minutes. 

*I use a tupperware container, and when everything is in, put the lid on and shake away! Sometimes there is a bit of olive oil and seasonings left in the container.  After spreading the potatoes on the pan, I brush the extra on potatoes that look bare. 

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