Sunday, July 22, 2012

Grilled Salmon

If you're a fish lover like me, this delicious recipe is great for a summer or winter meal!  Fish is super healthy for you, as it's rich in Omega-3 fatty acids (good fat) which aid in lowering cholesterol, help lower blood pressure, and inflammation in the body, as well as many other excellent benefits for overall health.  My fiance and I try to eat it once a week. :)

Serving Size: 2

2 Salmon fillets (I cut mine from a large fresh salmon, and froze the rest for future dinners)
2 tablespoons fresh lemon thyme (fresh from my herb garden!)
1 teaspoon of olive oil or vegetable oil
1/3 teaspoon black pepper

1. Brush salmon lightly with oil, then sprinkle with seasonings.
2. For grilling, I used my indoor George Foreman grill, since I live in an apartment with no access to a grill.  I turned it on, and let it heat up.
3. Grill Salmon, with skin side down, for 4-6 minutes.  Or bake it in the oven at 425° for 15-20 minutes in a foil lined baking dish.

You can choose whatever vegetables you'd like to go along.  I steamed up some green beans, and cooked some roasted potatoes.  Vegetables like asparagus or peppers would taste great grilled along with the salmon. 

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